Have been collecting some of their acts or words that brought a smile to our face. Before they fade from my memory, here I document for future reference:
- It was when they were barely 2 years old and had just then begun rolling their tongues to speak. They were very timid and hardly socialized. Mannat was very clingy and would throw tantrums if any stranger came close to cuddle her. We were in Chennai and I had got them admitted to a play school where they would be going just for 2 hrs a day. It really helped them in coming out of their intimidation. Well, first day on the way back from school I made them walk a long distance. It was as though all the Chennai Autos had abandoned that street for the day. Suddenly an Auto appeared out of nowhere and before I opened my mouth to call out for it, I heard a frail voice doing the honours for me... It was Tammu saying 'Aaaatoooo Aaaatoooo'. I burst out of laughter looking at her plight.
- The repeater bug has bitten Mannu hard lately. She would repeat everybody's words and mock at people in the same tone. Once when she kept on doing this to me I exclaimed ' Tu repeater hai tu??' Ever since whenever she repeats my words, she automatically adds the suffix phrase - 'Tu repeater hai tu?' leaving me dumbfounded with a smile on my face.
- I was putting them to sleep, me lying in between the two of them. Mannu pulled me to turn towards her and I obliged. Tammu pulled back from the other end as if they were game for a tug of war. I politely tried to make Tammu understand saying I will face her once Mannu is asleep (coz Mannu was on the verge of falling asleep sooner) My statement offended Tammu and she turned away from me while she said "I'll get another mommy for myself". Wooohooo! Had never expected it this early though. When I told Abbas, he innocently said "I never could muster the courage to tell you such a thing all these 5 years. Look at my daughter's guts!!!" Phew
- Most of our favourite material things at home have a name. Like I said in one od my earlier posts, our car's name is Bulu. All Mannu Tammu's dolls have a name each (easy coz they only have a handful of them) The biggest of all being Sunny the teddy bear. Then there are Baby Girl, Baby Boy. The former being Tammu's child and the latter Mannu's (Children get easily exchanged among themselves depending on the mood of their mommies...) Now one day Abbas brought out from the wardrobe Johnny (it's a small noddy that I hade made and presented Abbas) Ever since Tammu's baby is neglected and she is so much in love woth Johnny. Mannu 'Bechari' carries both Baby Boy and Girl... One day Tammu was singing lullaby to Johnny and told me that she was gonna put him to sleep. With intention of pulling her leg, I advised "Why don't you put on diapers or else Johnny will pee on the bed". She seriously gave it a thought and replied "But Johnny doesn't have diapers". I asked "Where is Johnny's father?" Bang came the reply without any ado as though she had answered this question a hundred times before this. "Paadal (father) has gone to office" I was intrigued by her answers and was in a mood to continue this Q&A session to see how creative she can get. I said, "Take my mobile and call Johnny's father. Ask him to get diapers when he comes." She sincerely took the mobile, pressed a few buttons and held it to her ears. She said "Paadal Paadal... Bring diapers for Johnny, Okay?" She told me "Mamma, Paadal will bring". I asked again "Tammu, when is Johnny's birthday?" Instantly came the answer "September"! I was amazed... She said he is sleepy and went to bed with him covered herself and Johnny in a blanket. After a couple of mins, suddenly she came out of the blanket with a very frustrated look on her face and was about to leave the room. I asked her "What happened Tammu? Where are you going?" She said "Mamma, I can't handle Johnny any more. I am gonna go to office. Let the Paadal take care of him!!!" I silently whispered 'God bless my real grand children!!!'
- There are times when I ask them something and I get dumbest of answers. My instant reaction would be 'Tera sir! (sir as in head in Hindi') One day Tammu asked Mannu some question and Mannu gave a foolish answer. Tammu said 'Tera sir hai'. And guess how Mannu retorted?! She said 'Tera pillow hai'... Lol
- When we come back home on weekdays, my doemstic help washes all the tiffin boxes. I invert the boxes and the lids and jumble them up. Mannu Tammu are given the task of matching the lid and the box and keeping the boxes in kitchen cabinet. Tammu is such a lazy bum, she is a master of pretexts. As I would reject all her pleas for not doing the task... she finally came up with the cutest of all pretexts - "Mamma I am not Big. I am very small... I'll do it when I become big"
Lot many incidents to pen down. More in posts to come...
Love u maamaa...
Lovely! Want more -
Tammu-Mamma, I can't handle Johnny any more. I am gonna go to office. Let the Paadal take care of him!!!" I silently whispered 'God bless my real grand children!!!' - I can only imagine Tammu saying this - not Mannu
'Tera pillow hai'... - :-D Mannu can be so innovative at times!
It was Tammu saying 'Aaaatoooo Aaaatoooo' - Ah! Taht Auto fixation! Reminds me of Chutku
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